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Unit 9: Matter and Material

Matter is EVERYTHING around us!!!

It exists in 3 states: solid, liquid and gas

1. A solid has its own shape.  If you move a solid to a different place, the shape doesn´t change.  

2. A liquid does not have its own shape.  They take the shape of the container they are in. 

3. A gas doesn´t have its own shape either.  It takes the shape of the container, and if there is no cover on the container, they can move outside it, as well.  

Here is a fun song about the 3 states of matter!  

Matter has mass (how much something weighs) 

And volume (how much space it takes up)

Matter can change in 2 ways: physical changes and chemical changes.

Physical change: when an object changes but the matter it is made of doesn´t change.  There are 4 physical changes:




There are also chemical changes which is when an object changes and becomes a different kind of matter. 

Rot.  When an apple is rotten, it forms a different kind of matter. Yuck!

When milk ferments, it changes to yoghurt.  It is a different matter. 

This pipe is rusted.  

When wood burns, it changes to ash.  
Wood and ash are different kinds of matter.

What happens when you mix different types of matter?

1. Heterogeneous mixtures: when you can see each of the parts separately. 

This is a heterogeneous mixture of sweets because I can see each of the parts.  Yum!

2. Homogeneous mixtures: When you cannot see the different parts (the mixture all looks the same.)

When you mix milk with Cola Cao or Nesquick, you cannot see the two parts.  The mixture all looks like chocolate.  This is a homogeneous mixture. 

Separating a mixture:

One way to separate a mixture is by evaporation.  A homogeneous mixture of liquid and solid can be separated through evaporation.

Another way is through filtration.  Filtration is used to separate  a heterogeneous mixture of a solid and liquid.

Where does matter come from?

Natural materials: found in nature!

Vegetable Origin (plants)

Animal origin (from animals) 

or Mineral Origin

This countertop is made out of a stone called granite.  It is a mineral. 

Artificial materials- things made by people (plastic or glass for example) 

In class we watched some videos to see how different things were made.  It´s great to learn how some of the products we use every day are created! 

How chocolate is made:

How cheese is made:

How a pencil is made:

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