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Unit 13: At Work

Why do people work?

Most adults work.  This means they do an activity and get money for the work they do.  They use the money to pay for the things they need (home, transport, holidays, food and clothes). 

There are different types of jobs:

  • some jobs get resources from nature
  • some jobs make products from the resources
  • some jobs provide services for other people

This video shows how jeans are made.  Lots of people do work along the way.  They grow the cotton, make the fabric, design the jeans, cut and sew the jeans, then the jesans are taken to a shop and other people sell them!  

It´s a lot of work to make a pair of jeans!!!!

Which jobs get resources from nature?

Farmers grow plants and raise animals to provide people with food and materials.  they work on farms.

Farmers grow plants for:



They raise animals for Food and Materials as well.

Here is a video about farming and the work farmers do :)

Fishermen catch fish and other types of seafood.

Miners take rocks and minerals from the ground. 

Other jobs make products from resources found in nature.

Craftsmen and craftswomen use raw materials to make products by hand.  They use simple tools and work in a workshop.

Factory workers use raw materials to make products with machines.  They work in a factory.  
Here is a video of a soda factory.  They make a lot of identical products in a short time!

There are different types of industries or types of things that people make.

the furniture industry makes thinkgs like cupboards, chairs, tables and doors.

the textile industry makes clothes, curtains, and towels

the automotive industry makes cars, trucks, buses, and motorbikes

Other jobs provide services for other people.

These jobs can be divided into areas.

Education: teachers, librarians

Health Care: nurses, doctors

Transport: taxi drivers, bus drivers

Personal services: hairdressers, electricians

Retail: bakers, butchers

People who work in retail buy and sell all types of products.

Shop owners are the people who own the shop.

Shop assistants are the people who work in the shop. 

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