Welcome to the Third Grade Science Blog!
Good Scientists are always curious,
so I hope you check the blog often as
we continue investigate the
world around us!


The first unit we studied was all about the human body.

1.1  How do we change as we get older? 

There are four stages in life.  The first is childhood, during this stage we grow the most.  We learn to walk and talk and we get our first teeth.

In adolescence our bodies change a lot. During this stage we become more independent and have more responsabilities.

In adulthood we stop growing. Our bodies are ready to have children.  During this stage we have a lot of responsibilities and we can make our own decisions. 

In old age we are more than 65 years old.  We have more wrinkles on our faces and bodies, and our hair is often grey.  Our bones and muscles become weaker and we often have more health problems.  But we also have more experience and can help younger people. 

1.2 What does the skeleton do? 

The skeleton is made up of all our bones.  It supports the body, protects our internal organs and helps us to move.  bones, joints and muscles make up the locomotor system. 

1.3 What do muscles do? 
Every part of our body has muscles.  The muscles that are part of the locomotor system are in our head, trunk and limbs (arms and legs) They are attached to the bones by tendons.  Click on the picture to see a neat video about how our muscles work. 

1.4. How can we look after our locomotor system? 

If we don´t look after our locomotor system, we can tear a muscle, sprain a joint or break a bone.
To look after our locomotor system, we should:

-get enough sleep and rest
-play sports and get excercise
-eat foods with cacium, like milk, cheese and yoghurt
-make sure not to carry heavy weights
-make sure to not sit or stand round- shouldered

Here´s a game to play to help us make good food choices and take care of our bodies :)  click on the heart to start! 

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